Song-Kol Lake

Song-Kol Lake — «The Last Lake» is considered one of the most beautiful areas for summer pasturing.  It is in the Naryn district, and Kyrgyzstan’s second largest lake with an area of 270 km sq.  In winter the lake freezes over with ice more than a meter thick.
Chamomile, sage, friar’s cap and golden root are prized for their medicinal qualities, and wildflowers are abundant in spring.  Migratory birds bisit the lake in summer as well as shy mountain wildlife like foxes and deer.  Fish were introduced to the lake in 1959.
Nomads have been making the upland trek to this 3016 m asl lake since ancient times with their livestock.  Some left mysterious «standing stone» arrangements.
Lake Son-Kul is a beautiful place to experience life on a jailoo.  Ride horses in the surrounding mountains, or stay in a yurt and experience an old-fashioned Kyrgyz summer.

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